Can Squishmallows Go in the Dryer? Exploring Proper Care


Squishmallows, the irresistibly soft and huggable plush toys, have become a beloved addition to many households. These plushies come in a variety of sizes, designs, and materials, prompting the question: can Squishmallows go in the dryer? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the proper care and drying methods for Squishmallows. From cleaning techniques to air-drying options, we will provide specific details and suggestions to ensure the longevity and softness of these adorable stuffed companions.


Can Squishmallows Go in the Dryer? Exploring Proper Care and Drying Methods

I. Clean But Delicate: Understanding Squishmallows’ Fabric

  1. Assessing Fabric Composition:

  • Squishmallows are made from different materials, including polyester, plush fabric, and sometimes a combination of both. Before determining if they can be put in the dryer, it’s essential to identify the fabric used in your specific Squishmallow toy by checking the manufacturer’s label or online guidelines.
  1. Delicate Nature of Plush Fabrics:

  • Plush fabrics, including those used in Squishmallows, tend to be delicate and prone to damage. They can easily develop pilling, lose their softness, or experience color fading if not properly cared for. Therefore, special attention is required when cleaning and drying these plush toys to maintain their original softness and appearance.

II. Evaluating the Need for Drying

  1. Spot Cleaning:

  • In many cases, spot cleaning is sufficient to address small stains or dirt on Squishmallows. Spot cleaning involves using a mild detergent or gentle soap with a damp cloth to gently rub the affected area. After spot cleaning, allow the toy to air dry in a well-ventilated area. Reserve machine washing and drying for more extensive cleaning needs.
  1. Absence of Urgent Need:

  • Given that Squishmallows are typically used as cuddly companions rather than items subjected to heavy soiling, the necessity of machine drying may not arise frequently. Air drying is often adequate to maintain the toy’s cleanliness and fluffiness, without compromising its structural integrity.


III. Optimal Cleaning Techniques

  1. Regular Fluffing and Shake-outs:

  • To maintain Squishmallows’ softness, fluff them regularly by gently shaking or gently patting the toy. This will help restore their original shape and keep the plush fill evenly distributed. By incorporating this simple routine, you can prevent tangling and matting of the fabric, ensuring the toy remains snuggly and plump.
  1. Surface Cleaning:

  • In cases where surface dirt or debris accumulate, a gentle brushing with a soft-bristled brush or dry cloth can help remove particles. Use light strokes to avoid damaging the delicate fabric or pulling out loose threads. Regular surface cleaning helps keep the toy fresh and clean without the need for extensive washing or drying.

IV. Air Drying Methods

  1. Outdoor Line Drying:

  • On a warm, dry day, consider air drying your Squishmallows outdoors. Choose a shaded or indoor area to protect the fabric from direct sunlight, as this may cause color fading. Find a clothesline, hanger, or clothes rack to suspend the toy and allow air circulation. Gently adjust the toy’s position periodically to ensure even drying.
  1. Indoor Air Drying:

  • If outdoor drying is not feasible or weather conditions aren’t optimal, indoor air drying is another option. Place the Squishmallow on a clean, absorbent surface, such as a towel or drying rack, in a well-ventilated room. Ensure adequate air circulation by opening windows or using a fan to accelerate the drying process.


V. Avoiding Machine Drying

  1. Potential Risks of Machine Drying:

  • Machine drying Squishmallows can lead to irreversible damage. The high heat and agitation of the dryer may cause fabric shrinkage, loss of softness, and deformation of the internal plush fill. It’s best to avoid machine drying completely to ensure the longevity and appearance of your Squishmallows.
  1. Exceptions: Heat-related Concerns:

  • In cases where Squishmallows have internal components, such as electronic voice boxes or removable water-resistant garments, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions to determine if additional drying methods, such as gentle heat or low-heat settings, are appropriate. Nonetheless, exercise caution and ensure the toy’s internal components can withstand heat exposure.

VI. Storing Squishmallows Properly

  1. Clean and Dry Storage:

  • Before storing Squishmallows, ensure they are completely clean and dry to prevent the growth of mold or mildew. Store the toy in a clean and dry environment, away from direct sunlight or moisture. Avoid compressing or placing excessive weight on the plush, as this can compromise its shape and fluffiness over time.
  1. Breathing Space:

  • Provide adequate breathing space for Squishmallows during storage. If possible, place each toy in a breathable cloth bag or pillowcase to protect it from dust while allowing air circulation. This helps maintain the toy’s softness and prevents excessive exposure to environmental conditions.


Treating Stains and Spills on Squishmallows

  1. Immediate Spot Treatment:

  • When spills or stains occur on Squishmallows, it’s crucial to address them promptly. Use a clean, absorbent cloth or paper towel to blot the area gently, removing as much moisture or residue as possible. Avoid rubbing, as this can push the stain deeper into the fabric or cause it to spread.
  1. Mild Stain Removal Methods:

  • For tougher stains, create a solution of mild detergent or gentle soap mixed with water. Dampen a clean cloth with the solution and gently blot the stained area, working from the outside in to prevent the stain from spreading. Rinse the area with a clean damp cloth and remove any excess moisture.
  1. Caution with Harsh Chemicals:

  • Avoid using harsh chemicals, bleach, or strong cleaning agents on Squishmallows, as they can damage the fabric, compromise the toy’s softness, or alter its color. Stick to gentle cleaning solutions and spot cleaning techniques to preserve the plush toy’s integrity.

Consulting Manufacturer Guidelines

  1. Manufacturer’s Recommendations:

  • To ensure proper care and drying of Squishmallows, consult the manufacturer’s guidelines specific to your plush toy. Manufacturers may provide care instructions tailored to their products, including recommendations on cleaning, drying, and stain removal. These guidelines should be followed for optimal care and maintenance.
  1. Online Resources and Customer Support:

  • In the absence of manufacturer’s guidelines or for additional information, the manufacturer’s website or customer support resources can be a valuable source of information. Check the website or reach out to their customer support team for specific advice on caring for your Squishmallows and addressing any concerns.


VII. Conclusion: Preserving the Softness and Cuddliness of Squishmallows

While the dryer may offer convenience for other laundry items, Squishmallows require special care to maintain their softness and shape. To ensure their longevity and cuddliness, it is recommended to avoid machine drying altogether and opt for gentler air drying methods. Spot cleaning, regular fluffing, and proper storage will keep your Squishmallows clean, soft, and ready for countless squishes and hugs in the future.

By following these specific care instructions, you can prolong the lifespan of your Squishmallows, allowing them to maintain their plushness and be cherished companions for years to come. Remember, the occasional air drying and spot cleaning routines ensure your Squishmallows remain fresh, clean, and ready to provide endless snuggles and comfort.

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