Maytag Bravos XL Dryer Squealing: What Are the Solutions?


A squealing noise coming from your Maytag Bravos XL dryer can be both annoying and concerning. This noise often indicates that something is wrong with the dryer’s internal components, potentially affecting its performance and longevity. Understanding the common causes of squealing and knowing how to address them can help you resolve the issue and maintain your dryer’s functionality. This comprehensive guide explores the possible reasons for a squealing noise and provides step-by-step solutions to fix the problem.


Maytag Bravos XL Dryer Squealing:

What Are the Causes and Solutions?

Identifying the Squealing Noise:

Where Is It Coming From?

The first step in addressing a squealing noise is to identify its source. Listening carefully and observing when the noise occurs can provide valuable clues.

Startup Squeal: If the squealing occurs when you start the dryer and then subsides after a few minutes, it may suggest an issue with the drum or drive belt. This type of noise can indicate that a component is struggling to engage or operate smoothly.

Continuous Squeal: A continuous squealing noise throughout the drying cycle often points to a persistent issue with one of the moving parts, such as the idler pulley, rollers, or motor bearings. Continuous squealing usually requires immediate attention to prevent further damage.

Intermittent Squeal: An intermittent squeal that comes and goes during the cycle might be caused by items getting caught in or rubbing against the drum or other components. This could include foreign objects, misaligned parts, or wear and tear on certain components.

Common Causes of Squealing:

What Might Be the Problem?

Several common causes can lead to a squealing noise in the Maytag Bravos XL dryer. Identifying these causes helps in determining the appropriate repair or maintenance actions.


Worn Drum Rollers:

Function of Drum Rollers: Drum rollers support the weight of the dryer drum and facilitate its smooth rotation. Over time, these rollers can wear out or become misaligned, resulting in a squealing noise as the drum rotates.

Signs of Worn Rollers: A common sign of worn drum rollers is a thumping or squealing noise during the drying cycle. Worn rollers may also cause the drum to wobble or rotate unevenly.

Faulty Idler Pulley:

Function of Idler Pulley: The idler pulley maintains tension on the drive belt, ensuring the belt properly engages with the motor and drum. A faulty idler pulley can cause the belt to slip or squeal due to insufficient tension.

Signs of a Faulty Pulley: A squealing noise that intensifies as the dryer runs can indicate a worn or damaged idler pulley. Visual inspection may reveal cracks or excessive wear on the pulley.

Worn Drive Belt:

Function of Drive Belt: The drive belt connects the motor to the dryer drum, enabling the drum to rotate during the drying cycle. A worn or frayed drive belt can produce a squealing noise as it slips or struggles to grip the drum.

Signs of a Worn Belt: A squealing noise, accompanied by reduced drum rotation efficiency, is a strong indicator of a worn drive belt. Visible wear, cracks, or fraying on the belt confirm the need for replacement.


Damaged Drum Glides:

Function of Drum Glides: Drum glides support the front of the drum, allowing it to move smoothly. Damaged or worn drum glides can cause friction and result in a squealing noise during operation.

Signs of Damaged Glides: Squealing or scraping noises, particularly at the start or end of the drying cycle, suggest that the drum glides may be worn or damaged. Inspecting the glides for excessive wear or damage helps confirm this.

Motor Bearings:

Function of Motor Bearings: Motor bearings support the rotating parts of the motor, enabling smooth operation. Worn or damaged motor bearings can produce a high-pitched squealing noise as the motor runs.

Signs of Worn Bearings: A continuous squealing noise that persists regardless of drum rotation speed indicates potential issues with the motor bearings. Unusual vibrations or difficulty starting the motor may also signal bearing problems.

Foreign Objects:

Potential Foreign Objects: Small items such as coins, buttons, or debris can get caught in the drum, blower wheel, or other internal components. These objects can cause intermittent squealing or rattling noises.

Signs of Foreign Objects: Intermittent squealing, coupled with unusual noises like clinking or rattling, often points to foreign objects inside the dryer. Inspecting and clearing the drum and lint trap areas can help identify and remove these objects.


Step-by-Step Solutions:

How to Fix the Squealing Noise?

Addressing the squealing noise involves inspecting and potentially replacing the affected components. The following step-by-step solutions guide you through resolving common causes of squealing in the Maytag Bravos XL dryer.

1. Inspect and Replace Drum Rollers

Disconnect Power: Unplug the dryer from the power source to ensure safety during inspection and repairs.

Access Drum Rollers: Remove the dryer’s front panel and drum to access the drum rollers. This may involve unscrewing or unclipping various components.

Inspect Rollers: Visually inspect the drum rollers for signs of wear, damage, or misalignment. Spin the rollers by hand to check for smooth operation.

Replace Rollers: If the rollers are worn or damaged, replace them with new ones. Reassemble the dryer and test for noise reduction.

2. Check and Replace Idler Pulley

Disconnect Power: Unplug the dryer from the power source for safety.

Access Idler Pulley: Remove the lower access panel or back panel to reach the idler pulley. You may need to remove the drive belt to access the pulley fully.

Inspect Pulley: Examine the idler pulley for wear, cracks, or damage. Spin the pulley by hand to check for smooth movement.

Replace Pulley: If the pulley is faulty, replace it with a new one. Reassemble the dryer, reattach the drive belt, and test for noise.

3. Inspect and Replace Drive Belt

Disconnect Power: Unplug the dryer to prevent accidental operation during inspection.

Access Drive Belt: Remove the dryer’s front panel and drum to access the drive belt.

Inspect Belt: Check the drive belt for signs of wear, fraying, or cracks. Ensure the belt is properly aligned on the drum and motor pulley.

Replace Belt: If the belt is worn or damaged, replace it with a new one. Reassemble the dryer and test for improved operation and reduced noise.

4. Check and Replace Drum Glides

Disconnect Power: Unplug the dryer before inspecting internal components.

Access Drum Glides: Remove the dryer’s front panel to access the drum glides, usually located at the front of the drum.

Inspect Glides: Visually inspect the drum glides for excessive wear, damage, or debris. Ensure they are securely attached and functioning correctly.

Replace Glides: If the glides are worn or damaged, replace them with new ones. Reassemble the dryer and test for squealing noise reduction.


5. Inspect Motor Bearings

Disconnect Power: Unplug the dryer from the power source.

Access Motor: Remove the dryer’s back panel or lower access panel to reach the motor.

Inspect Bearings: Listen to the motor while manually spinning the drum or motor shaft. Check for unusual noises or vibrations indicative of worn bearings.

Replace Bearings: If the bearings are worn or damaged, consider replacing the motor assembly, as replacing individual bearings can be complex. Reassemble the dryer and test for noise reduction.

6. Remove Foreign Objects

Disconnect Power: Unplug the dryer to ensure safety during inspection.

Inspect Drum and Lint Trap: Check the drum, lint trap, and blower wheel areas for foreign objects such as coins, buttons, or debris.

Remove Objects: Carefully remove any foreign objects found. Reassemble the dryer and test for noise.

Maintenance Tips:

How to Prevent Future Squealing?

Regular Cleaning: Clean the lint trap after every load and periodically check the dryer’s vent and ductwork for blockages. Regular cleaning prevents debris from affecting internal components.

Lubricate Bearings and Rollers: Apply appropriate lubricants to the drum rollers, idler pulley, and motor bearings as recommended by the manufacturer. Lubrication ensures smooth operation and reduces friction-related noise.

Inspect Components Periodically: Conduct regular inspections of the drum rollers, idler pulley, drive belt, and drum glides. Replace worn or damaged components promptly to prevent noise and maintain efficient performance.

Balance Loads: Avoid overloading the dryer, as this can strain internal components and lead to noise and wear. Distribute laundry evenly to maintain balance and reduce stress on the drum and rollers.


A squealing noise from your Maytag Bravos XL dryer often indicates an issue with one or more internal components. Identifying the source of the noise and addressing it through inspection, repair, or replacement can help resolve the problem and maintain the dryer’s functionality. By understanding common causes such as worn drum rollers, faulty idler pulleys, worn drive belts, damaged drum glides, and motor bearing issues, you can take appropriate action to fix the squealing noise. Regular maintenance and cleaning further ensure smooth operation and prolong the lifespan of your dryer, providing you with reliable performance and peace of mind.

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